2018-05-19 Day 353 Sat

John offered to drive this morning and I accepted. He had forgotten the condition of the road. Wended our way along the major road trying to miss the deep potholes, sometimes it was safer putting a foot off the bitumen but some of those holes could swallow a car and full of water so no telling how deep

Stopped at the town of Los Frentones and parked in the middle by a large green area with soccer field. I did the washing and john hung it out on the line that goes from Bull bar to crow bar back to other side of bull bar. Then we rotated the tires. I put a chocolate cake in bread maker and made lunch. Did a few Internet jobs while cake cooked. Continued along the very straight road.

Finally found a white road to drive up, Passed a ute coming out, and camped in front of a farmers gate. Everything is wet. I know we are in the wet lands but they must have had rain recently and all the dirt roads are mud!

Again we are in an area of trucks. Some of the parking areas could have 50or 60 trucks parked in them.  Luckily most of them were parked and not that many  on the road.

Just as we finished dinner and thinking about bed - flashy blue lights again I went out to
talk to the police. All very friendly. Told them we were Australian and would be gone in the morning. They asked me to write my name and Passport number then they said good night. Came back inside and heard them getting out of their vehicle again so went out. Oh they wanted a photo of EC so me and 3 cops had our photo taken beside EC!! They turned around and left. We suppose that the farmer we passed on the way in probably phoned them.