2018-05-05 Day 339 Sat

Foggy this morning and reasonably warm.
Continued on our track, caught up with a truck and before I could overtake we were onto bitumen and off we went. We had intended on going on a white road to Carhue and the flooded town of Epecuen, however the white road was little more than a track and there was a lot of water around. Also on the map the white road went right through a lake. We tried another white road but it ended in a lake as well. Decided to stick to bitumen so took us a little longer.

Filled with fuel in Carhue our most expensive in a while A$2 / litre. We are trying to keep the tank above half for two reasons, Firstly my cards are often as not, not being accepted by their machines and the other we do not have any reserve fuel. Out here fuel is readily available every 50k’s or so.
These BBQ's give some indication to the numbers that are here in January and February. They were on both sides of the road.
Drove across the lake on a new road into Epecuen Reort. Quite eerie with the dead trees still lining the road and in gardens. Quite an interesting experience seeing ruins from our life time. We posed lots of questions which still remain unanswered like why did they not drain the lake after the flood? Was the resort already in decline? How quickly did the water rise? How high did it come?

Danny Macaskil made a red bull film here and the place now holds the world record of the most people floating holding hands for 2 minutes.

After a visit to the museum in the old train station 1km away on higher ground we still had no answers it was all in Spanish .

We left the museum around 4:30 and headed to Salliquelo the back way - white road. The road was OK but had had lots of water on it. It was a sandy base so was not slippery but did have some (lots) of earth cruiser launch dips…. So some of the going was slowish. All told faster than the miles to go around on orange roads.

The town of Salliquelo had five cows made from recycled steel parts in a round about. We stopped to take some photos.

Another few miles on yellow roads and we pulled off onto a dirt tract to seek a belt of gum trees where we settled for the night.
