2018-05-04 Day 338 Fri

Drove through Player Doradas, it is a town with lots of infrastructure. Wide streets, board walks along the beach but quite dead at this time of the year. I guess January & February it is humming.
The little road north was also blocked by a locked gate. There was no fence and numerous cars had gone around but we didn’t want to risk it with over 100km’s to travel.

Back out to Ruta 3 and settle in. Up to San Antonio Oeste at the head of the Gulf then Wast a little then north on Ruta 251. Still a lot of trucks on this road. 240km later we are at Rio Colorado. Fueled up and headed out of town to our little dirt road another Ruta 1. A good wide dirt road and were able to travel most at 85km/hr. There has been some rain lately and although the road is dry the gutters are not!!! We intended to drive till dark but found a lovely camp sit on the top of the brow of a small hill so stopped early.
As we were stopped I took the opportunity to cook the osso bucco and the beetroot.

One car came past.
