2017-06-01 Day 46

Left at 06:30 for North Santiago. Bertonati Vehiculos Especiales was not hard to find but I think we were on an electronic toll road for part of the way. Oops.
Park at the company which is quite big. At 8 a couple of guys turned up and we were into it. As always happened the heater worked!! but did fail after 10 minutes. Checked the diagnostics. And there had been problems with the pump and burner. Anyway it started again and went for 3 hours!!

The stove however was another issue. These guys had no experience with the Webasto stove and could not connect to it for analysis. A lot of WhatsApp messages were sent between myself and head of South America Webasto in Spain.

Mr Bettonati gave us the grand tour. Amazing place. They build ambulances and can make 300 per year. 1.4 for every working day. They also build dental trailers and Mammogram trucks.

Miguel is an avid fly fisherman and we were introduced to his trusty Hilux that gets him to the remote streams to fish. They gave us great service and lunch in the casino (canteen). We left with the thought that the controller was dead at about 16:30, to drive back up to Los Andes and buy our chains.

Chains were not available so did some food shopping. When we arrived back at the Cabinas Barros we took wine cheese and bread into the office to share with Patrico, Santiago and Ignacia

A nice evening.