2017-06-07 Day 52

The heater stopped this morning so we took the pump off and blew it out with compressed air hoping to dislodge dirt. Put it back together but the heater still didn’t work. Sprayed more WD40 on the steps again and took lots more photos of cacti and the view.

A section of the road out.

Didn’t get under way till about 12.30, continued north on the newly dressed road. A windy road down but not as steep as coming up. The colors and the vegetation changes often. Lots of cactus and prickly bushes but most of it dead. Purples, greens & yellow all colors of the ground, quite an amazing drive.

Out onto seal for a short period and then back onto dirt. Still following the guy fixing the track. Just as well as there are still edges missing where the recent rain has washed chunks of the edge away.

A fantastic drive with all the colors and the road. Very slow going though probably averaging 25-30 k/h. On the last section there were a few homes with goats. Very basic living.

Back to the black top and found a corner of road just above a dam near Casas Punta de Guana.

We are booked into Kaufmanns on Friday 8.30 in La Sarena to get chains, two tyres, and a backing for the left hand mirror which is cracked. They have not sourced the tyres yet so not sure what we will end up with.