2017-06-12 day 57 Mon

We did some computer work in the morning and left for La Serena about 11. We stopped at Bridgestone to see if we could get the back wheel (the spare we have put on) balanced. We spent 3 hours there talking and planning etc. the short of it is they can take the damaged tyre and do an emergency repair and put a tube in it. We need to come back tomorrow at 9 to have the front wheels balanced as the back vibrations get absorbed …… apparently

Booked into the hotel and parked around the back which made us feel less conspicuous. Had a quick lukewarm shower then went out for a basic lunch. The Hotels seafood restaurant is not open on Mondays. John had a short nap then set up the room for the teleconference. His meeting started at 6.30pm so I uploaded some photos and watched a movie then off to sleep. John joined me about 01.30am