2017-07-05 Day 80

Not such a cold night only got down to -9°C so the running of the engine was not really needed.

Drove towards Volcan Tunupa on the edge of the salt pan. There are 3 or 4 roads going up we chose the one that went highest.

 looking back to the" Island" 40 km's away

A very rough unused track up through the “fields” . The fields/paddocks are created by stone fences by the hundreds.
Amazing number of fences and their creativity was amazing. They put NZ vertical fences to shame. How do you build a rock fence almost vertically up a hill?

We had to walk the last bit. We perched on the lip of the crater. The view was stunning both of the colors in the crater and of the salt lake.
Continued NE to a Meteor crater near Jayocota, and camped on the edge of it. The Crater was nearly perfectly round and one km across