2017-07-11 Day 86

Still on coble stones. 81 cobbles stones per square metre. 6 m wide road 28km’s long. 13.6 million cobble stones….. If one man lays one cobble stone every minute and works 7 days a week 8 hrs per day = 77 man years. A big undertaking. That doesn’t include making the road or delivering stones….

The valleys are much more fertile and the further we go North more vegetables are grown and there are less animals farmed. We have not seen many Llama this side of Cochabama. But we are seeing more pigs.

There are more bulls than cows. Cows seem to be kept for breeding only. None seem to be milking cows.

This road as we discovered yesterday afternoon and today is more than twisty it is twwwissty and true to map.
At one stage we were diverted downhill on a very freshly bulldozed road. The original road had disappeared in a slip. We then drove down river (literally) and met a loader and a grader making the “track” passable. Up on the slip there was a digger and bulldozer working to remake the road.

Today we have driven more hairpins than all those previously put together!!! (not counting the last 2 days)
Camped down a side track below the road. Seems to just go to a dam.
We drove 107km on road and the distance as crow flies about 50km. We were either going up or down or were between corners….

And more tomorrow.