Only down to -4°C last night.
We paid US$20 to park at a hotel. With the kayak inflated and food and drink packed we crossed the road and railway track and launched her in mud….
As we entered the area of the Eros Islands we needed to buy tickets 8soles each A$3.20.
Interesting how they
layer the reeds on top of the old ones. I Wonder how far they go
down. Water seems quite clean although in places the rubbish
collects. Very touristy and everyone was very friendly. In the back streets we found the big reed boats to be built of plastic
bottles and just covered with reeds.
Found our way back
and this time came in where the other dinghy’s do. Carried the kayak back to the hotel and left her in the sun to dry while we went
inside for lunch. John had an Alpaca steak and I had Lake trout.
The alpaca was an interestingly fine grained meat.
Camped on lake Umayo just in sight of the Sillustani Pre-Incan cemetery.