2017-07-24 day 99

20°C this morning. Such a change.

Today we follow a river up and up then we go up. In the 110km’s to the pass at 4800m we had driven 4.3km’s vertical.
Managed to stop for some orchids which were just everywhere.Stopped for lunch at a small tarn just over the pass.
Drove downhill for a while then detoured of the main(red) road and headed on an orange rd north to get on a yellow east west road.
The initial turn onto the yellow road included a bridge that we chickened out of. Another 10km’s of orange then onto a white to take us further along the yellow road. All good.

We squeezed past a cattle truck and at least know we can fit down the yellow track. Lots of pines and gums being planted. Most in small batches but by hand and way up on the hillside.

Camped on a side track with a view down the valley to Cusco.
There are gums planted here too.
A big day 208km’s