2017-08-11 day 117

The mother and father herded their sheep and donkeys past us and stopped for a chat. Sounded like the mother had a headache so we gave her three ibuprofen, one she took the others went in her little bag.
The father asked for a little money for food so as I gave him some coins the mothers hand went out. So we gave s/5 to both. The father could read and write. They had been married 28 years so I guess they may have been our age or even younger…. They live a hard life.

As with most farmers (world wide) he complained of the lack of rain and therefore not much food for the animals.

As we passed through one village, I bought a small packet of fried banana chips and a few mandarins. Arrived in Huanuco to check wifi and parking then headed back south. 

Traffic very busy - mayhem. But got out onto the red road south. Main road to Lima. Just a small two way sealed road.

Found a small track to camp on across the river from main road. The river hid most of the road noise.