2017-09-20 Day 157 Wed

We went for walk out to the lighthouse 1.5km, and more dead seals. The tide was out so walking was easy.

We walked out to the western most
point and saw a blue footed Bobbie just watching us. We then climbed up to the lighthouse where John disturbed a seal, perhaps 100m above sea level!

Walking back to EC we caught one of the many orange crabs to photograph.
We shopped at the big supermarket on way back out of town.

South on bitumen with potholes or was it pothole joined by bitumen?? very slow going. There were men supposedly filling potholes who held up buckets for money when cars passed. Not really sure how much they do.

At Piura we went via the Country club but seemingly only the kids play squash and at 6pm so a 3-4 hour wait. And of course not a member so need a member to sign him in. We continued south.

More crazy drivers have to have ones wits to imagine what they’ll do next so you are ready. Like turning left from right lane 3 lanes over when light turns green…..
Potholes, plastic bags blowing around and crazy drivers. Parked south of Sechura at a little fishing village just south of Constante. Sand blowing every where, very windy. Nice view of anchored fishing trawlers.