2017-11-07 Day 187 Tue

Continued our drive on the road thru a small village and the road became a track. Needed to open two wires on two separate fences At the tiny village of Catuyo we stopped to take a photo of the square. It was well maintained and only had a single row of houses around it. A lamb was in one of the fenced garden plots. Spoke to an old man and old looking lady. They age before their time with this hard life.

Fueled up at Calhuasi for S/8 per litre with a receipt, or S/6 without. We chose without so just over AU$1 per litre. In the cities foreigners are charged about S/9 per litre. For the next 90km’s there were major road works. We were on a new temporary road while a duel carriage way was being built. Turned off on a yellow which was muddy as. Must have just received some rain and lots of trucks were using it. We think it may have recently been graded which added to the mess. We followed the grader up a hill and the road was great although still lots of dump trucks bringing gravel up the hill.

Had internet coverage so decide to stop early. Found a lovely cheeky camp spot on a high corner of road but no Internet so drove backup the hill to camp on a corner overlooking spectacularly rough and colored hills. Internet seemed to come and go on the breeze. Still many trucks.

The school kids disembarked from their bus and walked down the hill one guy playing the trumpet.