Had a slow morning. Had a look at the leaking diesel breather,
cleaned it up and put thread tape on it. Also siliconed more of the
bellows between the cab and the home, so hopefully it will not leak quite as fast.

Climbed into and walked along a gorge. The parrots were very noisy and do not sound like ours in Australia.
Climbed into and walked along a gorge. The parrots were very noisy and do not sound like ours in Australia.
Spent most of the drive bumping on a yellow cobblestoned. 80km is too long for that sort of road.
We were getting low on fuel again but when we got to the valley floor we asked a truck driver and he indicated further on. Found fuel in the next town. Lady had just climbed into truck full of watermelons to leave but she got out and sold us 6 x 10lt jerry cans at S/5 per litre. Great price.