2017-11-17 Day 197 Fri

 This is were we turn off from the northern route via Concepcion and head East to San Ignacio de Velasco. A dirt road that was initially wide and flat with lots of corrugations and - not holes not a good start to 286km. The road slowly got better and more interesting. The farmland dropped away behind us and the jungle closed in. The wet lands started, lots of water lillies and birds.

The vegetation is beginning to look more jungle like and it is starting to feel quite tropical (hot & humid).

We stopped to take photos of some wàter lillies and forgot to close windows letting many mozzies in!

I swerved to miss a spider - yes could clearly see that it was a spider from 30m away at 60km/hr. I pulled up and asked john to hop out and photograph the spider. He was unsure of what I was really asking. But it was the quintessential BIG hairy black spider!
We saw a few more wondering across the road as we drove on.

We stopped at some puddles on the road where there were hundreds of butterflies, about 7 different species fluttering about and sitting on the road.

Camped just after we reached the main north south road. We drove out to a water body which seemed to be a reservoir. It had a strange sign which did not say private property or keep out but did indicate that certain people could not enter. John wondered in and there were a guy fishing and a family near by so we thought it might be public land. Camped on the waters edge and enjoyed our drinks and nibbles outside.

Our second and last 12v fan died when I plugged it in. Luckily it was not a very hot night.