The day for crossing into Uruguay. We drove through Barra du Chu
which is the southern most town of Brazil. Then on to Chuy where
being Sunday discovered no supermarkets open but lots of people and
other small shops. We spent our remaining Brazilian monies on
Diesel then headed back north to clear customs and immigration.
Immigration building looked very quiet and we were concerned that they may not work on weekends but no, we found it open. Cleared out very easily and quickly and headed into Uruguay.
Uruguay was very straight forward for immigration and customs. Passport stamped, EC paperwork done, no inspection and were through.
Now for local currency, stopped at one ATM at Capocho out of service. It started to rain which bought a relief to the heat. We pulled off in tho Parque Nacional de Santa Teresa. No entry cost. The place is managed by the army and has a fort nearby but outside the parque area. The ATM machine was not working either.
We wondered who or why it was built. Not something the army normally does. The grounds are wonderfully kept with lots of camping places, all numbered. We found a camp site down by the rough ocean. Previously the road had been washed away and sand hills built on top so we camped at the end of the road wondering if we’d be moved along…..