A sunny day. John had picked a great place to camp and the view was expansive. Spent some time inside, then as the fog was about to roll in (from inland to our surprise) we crossed the farmers paddock to get a view from another point. Despite being at the highest spot around, the land was sodden. The view was not as good so returned before we lost EC in the fog. The fog didn’t last long and thinned quite quickly.
John chose an ecological park for us to camp in. We arrived about 16:40hrs when the guard was locking the gate. He let us in so we followed him to the management office. Cost us A$40 to stay the night. There was a group of scouts here as well. Met a group of biologist of which one had good English. We went for a short walk with them up one of the trails. It was great as they could identify the foot prints for us and tell us about the trees, animals and environment. we then had a look at the bat they had caught as they are studying the small bats in the area.
We walked past many of these Tarantula's. They were not as big as the black spiders we had seen on the roads.
We camped near one of the lakes. A bus load of uni students arrived as well. The park had about a dozen huts and is used for research and education.