2017-12-28 Day 238 Thu

We went for different walks along the beach. I was out for a bit of exercise as skipping is aggravating my right knee (too many squats!) John went for a long walk away from the built up area.

We continued towards our border crossing at Fray Bentos knowing we would not make the distance today.
We looked into the parque at Dolores and although it was neat and tidy just didn't suit us
Traveled 26km's north and after driving down a track for a few km's ended up tucked up in the shade beside a tree on a tributary to the Rio Uruguay.

One has to remember that these tributaries are nearly the size of the Murray.

It has been in the high 30’s the last few days. We sat outside under the awning until the bities drove us inside. 195kms today

We are seeing what we had expected. Lots of farming, flat land and straight roads. One has to look to see something interesting. This is also showing up in that we are only taking a few photos every day and have to work hard to find something to photograph.
Hence the new photo folder of "Signs"