2018-01-13 Day 254 Sat

We left our nice quiet camp and headed south on dirt. We had seen some tankers go up the road and yes the road was good. The first part of the day was a bit mundane, then we got into oil fields and lava flows. Once we passed the last small separating plant the road degraded. We tried to escape but were hemmed in by the river. At one stage we drove up through a hill of scoria and the rocks were all sharp and broken.
Saw a flock of large parrots feeding beside the road.

Finally got out onto the main road which may have been wider, but was a lot rougher than the track we had been on. We stopped for lunch on the brink of a lava flow. Really interesting stuff.
Rivers tend to go around lava flows.

Onto another back road that passes a national reserve Reserva Provincial Domuyo. Sometimes difficult to find side tracks to be able to get away from the main road. The reserve had a road down to a lake and some people were camped a ways from the water up the rise of the volcano Tromen near the end of a lava flow. We decided to go out and camp by the road just above the end of one of the other lava flows.