The exit from Chile was very simple the agent who handled immigration and aduana was having a few problems with his 2 year old daughter wanting to get her hands on our passports….
Argentina on the other hand was a little more difficult than usual. One guy was in training so all the hoops were gone through. Did we have any camera’s, computers, phones tablets etc. we showed him the tablet we had taken into his office then they wanted to see inside EC. That was all good. Just as well the uninteresting drawers are opposite the door. By the time he’d seen our plates then pots he had seen enough.
Once again back into Argentina, this time for about 2 weeks. The land scape changes very quickly once the mountains are left behind. Flat and dry. Even when there are rivers or lakes nothing visually changes.
Did a southerly loop to Bajo Caracoles where there was no diesel.Decided we could just make the Nacional parque Francisco P.Moreno for a quick look and back.
Arrived at park headquarters close to 20:00hrs. The guy was very friendly and showed us all the places on the map with walk times and where we could camp and which places were windy.
We chose the closer of the camps at lake Burmeister and traveled the 15km to the site. Saw a small black and white animal who stood on his hind legs to frighten me off. The campsite was indeed very windy. The tent sites had protection in the form of vertical log surrounds.
We had tried to pump fuel down from the auxiliary tank but although pump seems to be running no fuel is moving.