2018-04-05 Day 309 Thu

 Murry Channel – Nassau Bay Wollaston Islands - Cape horn – Wulaia Bay

Not such good weather today, windy, rainy & colder.
The captain gave permission to disembark at Cape Horn.

Our two trusty Bar Men stay in the water for about 3 hours while we come and go. I believe next year they will have dry suits.

Walked up the steps with the Navy guy. He is interested to stay another year, as he is normally in charge of maintenance program for the electronics for weapons system on war ships. i.e. not home much and he now is with his family 24hrs a day and the family is appreciating it. He has two daughters a 9 and 5 yr old.

Cape horn was very windy about 25kn gusting to 45. we spent all our time at the monument.
55 56’s 67 17’W

Back to Wulaia bay. On the way we were heeling quite a bit. 65 knots reported from the bridge. The Chilean couple (Carolina and Jose) came upstairs with us and stood in the wind and snow. Very pretty!!!!

Again did the longer walk this time at a faster pace. Post two letters and claimed two one kiwi and one Australian.

Changed tables to sit with Carolina, Jose, Juan and Maria, the 6 of us get along very well together. They all speak good English and that helps. We were asked by a number of the serving staff and the maitre de, if that is really where we wanted to sit.

Cape Horn to Wulaia bay 78nm
Wulaia Bay – Aguila Glacier 230 NM