2018-05-14 Day 348 Mon

We watched a lady walk past on the road pushing a 3 wheel bicycle. But apart from that everything was quiet.
Cold water and orange juice instead of tea! We continued on the loop Ruta 86. This road was narrower but had just been graded so had a good surface. The views were spectacular. Finished or circuit back close to Santa Catalina then headed south on ruta 65. An orange dirt road. A semi with a front end loader went by as we turned the corner.

Joined up with Ruta 40 the longest National highway in the world some 4500km?? We have tried hard to stay off Ruta 40 as being the main road there are too many trucks buses and cars. But here ruta 40 is unpaved and mostly unused.
We were on ruta 40 for 133km and the only traffic was one man pushing his wheelbarrow full of sticks back to his village. At one stage this national highway drove for 11km up a river bed in a fantastic canyon. We stopped often to take photos and marvel at the cliff faces. I wonder how many days/weeks it is unusable throughout the year?

Where did the road go??

 Dakar 2017
We passed by Mina Pirquitas whose township is the highest all year round town ship in Argentina at 4100m. Just after here we missed our turn and back tracked 5 km. How did we miss a turn onto an orange road well it was little more than a track beside a river bed, a bit washed out but there was one set of tracks so off we went.

A rough unkempt road. At a small washout the tire tracks turned back, we just walked through!

We got stuck in a washout and with a bit of shoveling and rocks got out. Then on to another challenge. A 3 foot deep 3 foot wide washout or a steep river crossing? After a trial crow barring at the washout we decided on the river crossing.
 A few rocks strategically placed and the high spot shoveled off the far edge and we were committed.. The left hand step dug in so backwards a bit and more shoveling. Got her front feet out and the back kept slipping some more rocks and almost out. Amazing what she can do in two wheel drive!!

Engaged hubs and out she walked!!

No more major challenges just little ones. We continued to climb to an altitude of 4400m and camped on side of road. Just habit I guess as there in no chance a vehicle will pass.

I cooked an omelet in the bread maker for dinner.

I had a slight headache. Most of the day was spent just over 4000m
