2018-10-14 Day 33 Sun

Nothing is open on Sundays! Another day wending our way across the German country side. Filled with fuel and washed the car to get the storage grime off of her. The auxiliary tank is leaking slightly at the filler so need to go under and try to tighten it…….
The autumn colors are fantastic and the further we travel East the brighter they get. We left early as we had no internet and found a lake to stop by. There were a few people wondering and cycling around but as the afternoon progressed more and more people were out enjoying the wonderful autumn weather. We applied the New South American map to the right side of the vehicle. This took about one hour as 3 groups of people stopped by for a chat!! We then pulled the Australian tourist map off the back Port locker and transferred it to the starboard hand locker.

In hind site we should of put it on the house door……. Now we just have to remove the old south American map and put the large Europe / Middle East / Asia map on. But we need a warm still day.

We drove away from the lake about 3pm and finally found a camp up in the forest right beside the Czech border near a Czech fish farm just on dusk about 19:30hrs
