Another -2.5℃
morning buts seems to warm up quickly; by 7:30 it is already 3.3℃.
In Argentina it was coldest at about 7:30am.
wrote between 8 and 9am
north then east the roads were OK. Not great in places but overall
not bad, averaging about 50km/h. For lunch we perched above a lake
outside somebodies house at the end of a little white road. It was
decided that we’d head for some pine forest NW of Kiev as when we
leave Kiev we'll be heading SE so don’t want to cross tracks.
drove for 2 hours on red roads at about 80km/h. A comfortable speed.
The roads were very good. Sometimes with two lanes. We drove through
one of the biggish towns instead of taking the by-pass, but it was
very uninteresting.
We did pass a lot of very colorful bus shelters during the day.
The yellow and then the white road to the pine forest was pretty
terrible. The yellow being an old concrete road
resealed with tar, now
with potholes. The first side of the lake at
Bilka overlooked houses
at close range so we drove to the other side and found a track in
through the forest to the lake foreshore. A delightful little spot.
pretty as the fog rolled in across the water making the lights appear
bigger than they were.