2019-01-07 Day 118 Mon

Left our quiet camp (without boggy or getting stuck in snow drifts) and drove towards Sarajevo, an uneventful trip. 
We did go through a tunnel that was old with a very rough surface.
We stopped twice at police stations to register. The first one would not work as the address we had was not in the town so couldn’t do it. The next one we found out that we have to register after 8 days. So all good.

Daily chores continue  even in the cold


As we came into Sarajevo we were met by the Olympic rings.

We did not find a suitable lunch stop so arrived at Oliwood 20min before 4pm and before we said we’d be there. Got camp set up the plugged EC into shore power for the first time in 8 years/ever. We are going to try to equalize the batteries.

Had a warm shower and then a quiet night.
