visited a fort in Shtip at the top of a skinny road with switchbacks too tight for an earth cruiser.
The steps up at the grave stones of boys(20yr old) killed in the 2nd world war
Kabadarci we had a tasting at Tikvesh winery, or rather in their
restaurant. No time for tour though. The guard escorted us to the
restaurant and down 2 flights of stairs and past a lot of large oak
tasting was of 5 wines 30ml each glass for about AU$10. At host described the wines and quickly showed us the bottles. The wines were all well made, 2 whites, a good rose, and elegant vranec merlot blend, and a ponderous vranec. Similar to the State owned winery in Modolva, the sales of wine were hidden out near the front gate. Purchased the vranec merlot blend for AU$5 per bottle and a rakia for AU$8.