2019-05-03 Day 218 Fri

Back through the village and to the Erebuni fortress museum. Arriving at the fortress, we were not allowed in as we had not purchased a ticket at the museum…. so just left. This area to the south of the city is the car market mecca, cars and or bits of cars for sale everywhere one looks.
Parking in Yerevan was a bit of a night mare. We went in one street to far and there was suddenly traffic everywhere. After a few U turns and false alarms found a park on the street.
The cascade which is a set of 300 steps joining the lower and upper parts of the city. On each level it has fountains and art work. Also inside it has escalators and steps for those in need or in the rain.
Below in the square were numerous pieces of artwork from blue kiwi’s (American artist) to fat women – Johns favorite.
We had lunch in the square a bit more western and was uninteresting. I did have a glass of wine with lunch and John a beer.
EC22 was still there where we had left her. It is always a worry when we leave her unattended in a street park never sure what condition she will be in when we return. So far we have not had any issues apart form some graffiti in Argentina (A local crossed off the name Falklands and wrote Maldivia on our map).

Continuing with our day we arrived at Garni fortress The Pagan temple had been reconstructed and gave one the feeling of how huge all these old buildings were. The Palace had fantastic views down the gorge and the hot baths were a bit different to others in that they incorporated the smoke under the floors. 
Sadly the orange road were to take on our map did not actually exist so we ended up on very rough tracks finding our way towards last nights camp.
We retraced this section of road 3 times which we do not often do.
Although our next point of interest is near the contested border with Azerbaijan, we decided to travel there. It is on the tourist itineraries so thought it safe enough. 
The drive down was a mixture of very poorly maintained roads and new high way. 

We did not have time for the cave as we arrived about 18:30. Driving up the gorge to Noravank church, where a lot of people were visiting and watching the sun set, we found a lovely peaceful spot but I think with the number of car parks and camping ground it would be overcrowded in summer.
