2019-05-07 Day 222 Tue

One way of giving warnings to drivers!
Around Khashuri the road was lined with hanging seats, hammocks and chairs. 

In Mtskhete we took the time to visit the Svetskhoveli Cathedral - very important to the Georgians.  I had remembered my scarf to cover my head this time. I did not need to take one from the box at the door. A big impressive building but very plain inside. These have either lost all or most of their fresco’s or just never had much. In the Balkan countries the churches inside, and sometimes the verandah, were completely covered in paintings.

We then drove across the river and up the other side to another smaller church. From the vantage point we were afforded this view of the city and church.

Here we net 3 Russian 4x4 travelers. They had come to Moscow and would return within 10 days. A very fast trip! We received their group T-shirt so we handed over a kangaroo. Friendly folk.
We drove to a truck service place asking for a light bulb but as our chassis is not listed on their computer they needed to see the bulb. As it was 5:30 we thought we’d go camp and try again tomorrow.
John again found us a lovely camp beside the river, then a group of young’uns turned up and partied late into the night. About midnight, filled with dutch courage, they came knocking asking if we wanted to come and drink with them…..
