2019-05-14 Day 229 Tue

A fisherman - or at least a guy waiting on the fishermen to come back in - stopped by in his trusty rusty ute. He also stayed a while and wanted photos taken. Very friendly but hard to communicate with.
Finally the boats came back ashore and he left.


Arriving in Baku we were amazed at the architecture some very modern artistic buildings and some very flash old ones. 
We went to Mitsubishi service first with the light bulb in hand (high low beam) and yes they did have the part. A$6 each so we bought 2. A customer had good english and translated for us then as we were leaving an American came up he was an English teacher with his own business and family here. He was interested in our travels.
Next the Turkmenistan embassy Johns visa has his year of birth wrong. Parked across an entrance way, I remained in EC while John went down the alley to see if it could be changed. He came back saying it is not a problem just an administrative error and not to worry. Well we tried.
Next to UPS and the combustion fan for the stove. Well all those chores done quickly and easily. Next to find a camp for tonight so after dinner we can high tail it back to a pre selected spot. No go. Saw a carpark near the old city and the ferris wheel but didn’t want that. The foreshore is covered with oil rigs and nodding donkeys with just grey soil/silt The hill above town just grey soil and messy. The beach to the north a possibility but messy.


 A car Load of chooks!

On the way back we detoured to the hill on fire. But I was very disappointed. Construction of a new tourist restaurant and amphitheater was taking place which detracted from the whole atmosphere. They will be catering to bus loads I guess.
Checked on overlander for the second time in two years and yes the car park is available over night. Back to the carpark paid our $4 for the nights parked in the corner had a quick wash got into town clothes and caught a taxi arriving at the restaurant 10 mins early just as Ingo did. 
Paul’s Baku is owned by a German and Igor's friends, 3 other Germans joined us, one a pilot and the others from the German embassy. I paid for our dinner which caused a bit of upset.
Ingo was keen to show us a mud volcano and the rock art on Thursday, then a picnic lunch at a park. Sounds great.
A great night with very good steak. The best we have had in a long while. A lovely evening. 
Took another taxi/car back “home”