2019-05-25 Day 240 Sat

John watched this guy bring his "boat" down to the Caspian and precede to paddle out fishing!!

John boiled 20 quail eggs for our lunches and fried up a few for breakfast. Because of the wind last night and the fact we had everything open we now have a layer of sand throughout.

Leaving the beach we stopped in at our new friends place to say goodbye, we refused lunch but had a piece of watermelon. No fasting for Fatima as she was menstruating. Her brother and father do not fast.
Mahdi needed some attention to his car so we followed him into Sari, I think really he just wanted to be helpful. He seemed sad when we parted company.

We drove east again on the main very busy, very hectic, road. Then we turned off into the mountains and a orange then white road. 
We do really prefer these rough slow quiet roads to the main ones.

We just stopped on the side of the road in the shade for a quick bite of late lunch. A school teacher and his wife stopped and asked us back to their home for dinner. He did not seem interested in the vehicle or our travels, we were a little confused… We refused. Another vehicle then stopped just as we were packing up and invited us back to their place. At least this guy was going in the same direction. They were an older couple and turned off the mainroad.. looking interesing then they turned up a hill to some houses. They had a second house here with great views. Their little house was made from glass – he is a glazier- and has a large newish orchard. We had tea he was not fasting but his wife was.

We declined the invitation for dinner and the night and continued on our way.
A small stint on orange then off on white. Met some farmers who stopped us and they said road blocked. John opened the map and asked them some town names and yes all good that way. Also mentioned road narrow and it will rain and be slippery tonight so don't camp till top of mountain. All good.
The road did have a lot of rain damage and there were narrow sections where the side had slipped down the hill.

I was driving and halfway around a slow corner my right hand wheel dropped in a little hole with a clunk. The noise did not go away. John checked and yes a broken leaf spring.

We then drove very gently on and up camping at almost the very top of the mountain at 2370m altitude, in the dark again.


For dinner we had this goose egg given to us by Fatima.

So today we had three different eggs!