2019-06-12 Day 258 Wed

John went for a wonder to the other side of the salt lake and the water source while I was still snoozing.
It was going to be another hot day so needed to get driving early, we then have air conditioner if required.
We crossed a canal that was not on our map. Very different for us to have water flowing through a dessert. The water is flowing north to the Arial sea. We collected some water in our big bottles and put washing on to soak in the black tub, stowing it in the shower basin while we drove.
There were a few puffy clouds which made the desert have more interest.
The road had it’s good sections but were outweighed by the slower parts.
We were not going to make the next river so we found a track (we do not like to make our own) and headed into the sand dunes. 

EC did not get up a few, she had hard tires and I did not want to make a mess, I feel we could of with low tire pressure. We just went around. There are many tracks.

We settled in a swale almost invisible from the road. Very hot still.
