2019-06-16 Day 262 Sun

Made use of the internet. It was fast. Got some photos uploaded and some blogs ready for john to edit and post. 
Southeast again, Saw the same “tanks” being transported as the other day. 

 Before arriving in Termez we stopped at a gas station to ask for diesel they had none but the young guy jumped in the passenger seat and I drove us around to another one that we had already driven past. Filled up with diesel for 600 per litre then took the young guy back. We asked if he had water John and the elder guy ferried the water from the well while I held the funnel. The young guy hauled the water from the well into the bottles. When we were full I asked them if we could borrow some of their spacious concrete and shade to exchange tires. All good.

So John and I rotated the tires again. I think they were a bit amazed that I got in and did my part. John and I have quiet the routine going now. It was still hot but not unbearable in the shade. The young lad had trouble with me kneeling on the concrete putting jack in place so handed me a cushion!!!
A bus load of young ladies arrived and were introduced to us. I showed them inside all 7 of us together!! We left the young lad with a roo and headed on out.

An unused aqueduct.

Just before dusk we found ourselves passing unstopped through a military post then past a dam wall and up into the hills. Finding a perch past all the villages on a small track that crested a pass. A lovely quiet spot. But such a long day.
