2019-06-18 Day 264 Tue

3 separate visitors this morning. The first two were fishery inspectors and chatted for a while. One showed us pictures of some Americans who had camped down on the water a few weeks ago.

As we started to pack up a third visitor arrived, a army person. He was a nasty piece of work. Very angry, we were not sure why. Anyway he wanted us to leave which suited us fine as we were already packing up. He wanted to see passports and I wanted to see his ID which he showed me. In future I’ll photograph them. He wanted to see visa but we don’t need one. He took photos of our photo page then wanted to take photo of Brazil visa….

As we were leaving he decided he wanted a selfie with us, but we just drove off. He was not a nice person.
Finally started to see some more hills. Kind of clay hills or very hard sand hills. Quite baron but the valleys are fertile with water. 
A lot of people out cleaning up road sides with hoes, mostly women. Donkeys are become more numerous and are seen carrying water cans, hay, grass, branches, people. Bee hives are also very prominent, with hives often being located on trailers.
We had decided to try a track to see if we could loop through the mountains. Just north of Denov so headed west.
The road was quiet good and sealed till we turned off towards a waterfall Sangardak Shabsharasa, a lot of work was being done to the road and the river banks. Some guys were just putting the finishing touches to the top of the canal wall. Cement with rocks pushed into it. 
We walked along the road to the fall and had a look. Fascinating the way the water exits the rock wall ¾ of the way down. 
Met a group of teachers and one guy chatted to us for a while. The first foreigner he had spoken to in english…
We continued along the road to a track then a very small bridge and a deep narrow fast flowing river which we could have forded with some work but we had no conviction the track went very much further anyway, so we found a flat spot and called it a day.
Nice cool breeze coming off the river, actually it was quite cool.
