2019-07-20 Day 296 Sat

Needed to be in Almaty before 2pm to pick up our passports from DHL. 

Left about 08:30 I walked out ahead but was taking too many photos of flowers to get much distance walked.

John met me at a stream and I suggested we fill the tanks. We fill 6 litre water bottles and empty them into the tank. Doesn't take to long to put 80litres in. We try to fill while both tanks are around the half full mark.

 A beautiful quiet view
 A lovely drive.

This plant looks very similar to rhubarb.

 Wild flowers everywhere.
 On we went on a very slow road up to the pass of 3010m. One of the switchbacks was quite wished out but EC just crawled up. I got out to take some photos but missed her when when lifted her front left off the ground. (hard to show the actual roughness)
Paused at the summit for a photo. 

I started to drive down and a big bird flew over to land on a hill above us followed by two more then another two flew over the ridge.
John got out and crested the ridge to try and photograph them.


The road was a bit washed out in places but not too bad. Down we went onto open plains and yurts.

A new observatory had been built across the plains on a hill top. 
We started to see some cars then some more, then more, and little 12 seaters. 
Back in tourist country. 
We entered the top of a gorge with a few cars which grew and grew. People were parked picnicking or camping on every spare bit of flat ground. Quite amazing how many brand new 4x4 there were. A lot of Prados but also a lot of Mercedes. Must be money here somewhere. So different to the last 4 or 5 countries.
By the time we exited the narrow gorge their were bus’s and people everywhere.
On into Almati, not too bad a drive but on red. Traffic was behaved. Arrived at DHL and john went to get the parcel. That all went well and we have Russian visa’s.
We wondered down the street and got a bite to eat. It was very hot and I was not interested in walking very far.
We headed north out of town. Town seemed to extend along way. Got on the red and exited just north of Kapchagay reservoir. Drove out on a white and parked off the road on a sand hill overlooking the lake. A lot of peopled own on the lakes edge swimming and picnicking.
Sat on the chairs at the edge of slope to water (12m down) and read and shared a large can of beer. Still 40℃.
Just as dinner was ready, 2 guys came by to ask John to get them out of the sand. He took a shovel and 2 max trax. After freeing the vehicles, john washed himself outside and we sat and ate over looking the lake. A balmy night.

 226km  Campsite  496m alt.