into town and a carwash. The lady’s did the job for us for us for AU$8.
Soap and all, nearly washed off our track…. They allowed us to fill
with water from their hose and I gave them a Roo. They had loosened
up and become quite friendly.
is drawing a little attention although not many people actually stop
to speak to us.
rolled a bit further down the road to Royal Auto which was kind of a warehouse full of toys, from many different shaped skidoos to
rubber duckies, tents to runabouts and outboards to camo
lifejackets(?) . An interesting shop.
young guy Artem with good English helped us. They could not do the work
today or Monday as the workshop was booked out., however after a few
phone calls he found someone who could.
in hand we turned into a large graveled yard that had a heap of scrap
metal in the corner and a Truck with wheels off. We were concerned we
had the wrong place but no! A guy came out all excited with big smiles
but no English he did mention Royal Auto though. We parked in the
indicated spot just outside the workshop.
piece of cardboard and under he went.
guy seemed enthusiastic and great at his job. He was careful with our
truck and very thorough.
took the back leaf spring stack off first, and discovered that the
bushes were worn out and bolt and bush needed replacing. As well as
the big U bolts that hold the leaf stack to the axle should be
replaced. We all grabbed a taxi. I was dropped at the hotel and the
others went to buy the leaf spring and the bush. John was delivered
back and they spoke to the receptionist about getting a taxi in the
morning. John was to be back at the work shop at 0900hrs.
cannot even stay and do my computer stuff as my 240v charger is not
long hot shower (I think we used both EC tanks) felt good.
in the hotel was very ordinary, borch, a soup, was OK but the reheated
chicken fillet was a bit ho hum…