2019-08-30 Day 337 Fri


One of the small lizards which scurry out of the vehicles way

A very light shower fell, leaving lovely indents in the desert sand.

 A naked Yurt being packed up for the next move.


Back on the roads and a very subdued trip north-east nursing the broken spring.

There were many different herds of camels to see. Including this white one.

The ground was very barren in places and the remains of where water has softened the track are numerous.
We stopped just past this observatory for a quick lunch. It was perched upon a low mound which gave us a view of the surrounds. 

We diverged from our track just a little to see the Ongiin Ruins. We met a group of Korean tourists who were interested in our trip. The ruins were quiet extensive and were on both sides of the river. The foundations were of stone with mud brick walls.
Drove through the little town of Saikhan Ovoo, which like all the other towns are very neat and tidy.

Every yard is fenced with wood and encloses a yurt or two, or a solid house and yurt and a car, or two, and maybe a motorbike - but no rubbish and very neat.

Just on dusk we pulled of the track and parked at the top of a rise near another track. Another quiet night.

248km Camp site  1451m alt.