2019-09-25 Day 363 Wed

EC looked a bit "buglike" driving out of the park.

 A grumpy parks guy came to move us on about 0800. I had just gotten out of the shower. He wanted us gone in 10 minutes! John tried for an hour but wasn’t accepted. 
Had no idea we were in a park and lots of tracks here. Came in the back door again…..
There were some dug drains which is what we thought they were…..

Anyhow off to Nur-Sultan and the Ukraine embassy just too see what can be done.
The consul spoke French not English so he rang his public relations person who had great English. Valerie translated for us and we ended up being offered two multi entry visas valid for a stay of 45 days over one year, ready tomorrow. We accepted then had to drive to bank and pay which in itself was interesting. John stayed in EC to fill our the application forms. I entered the bank explained that I wanted to pay and got a number. I sat and waited… Next at the counter a lady worked away at her terminal adding the cost US$400 and details of my passport then I was directed to the cashier to pay. However they only accept cash so I was directed to the ATM down stairs. I ask how much I needed. 
Downstairs the ATM didn’t want to give me money so moved to other one still same so ended up with drawing 3 lots out…
Back at the cashier I paid and got my receipts…
Meanwhile John had finished the forms and got the email with finance, hotel bookings already to go.

Back at the consulate we met Valerie leaving we asked what to see and she mentioned a great place for horse steak.

Application in with a collection time of 3pm tomorrow.

We found the horse steak restaurant and headed there. A great lunch, John had horse steak and I had horse flesh on stone. A beer, a wine , coffee and a creme de brulee AU$100. Very nice for a change.

Nur-Sultane x Astana is an interesting city. Architectured buildings which are interesting on the eye but each one is very different 

Back through town and NW to camp by the river. 

Lots of tracks and fishermen

124km  Camp site  297m alt.