through many small villages and yes our road did eventually pop out onto a more major road.
Each village has it’s mosque which stands out in many ways.
onto new divided road with no other vehicles to be seen.
a quarry beside the road where they had sourced road material,
rubbish had been dumped. Any hole or bank is a good place to throw
rubbish. Sad as most banks are ones leading to rivers…..
section of road.
of rocks built up over the years trying to make the land productive
and workable..
down on the piles of rocks quite amazing really.
were running a bit late of light and caught the herds being brought
back into town for the night. On this 1 km of road we passed 6
different herds from 20 cattle to herds of 150.
of the “dung cakes” are in mounds then sealed with a layer of
dung to keep them drier I guess.
fenced graveyard obviously does not get grazed.
ran out of daylight but continued winding up through little villages
until arriving above the lake. We had gained an altitude of over
2400m today but snow was not an issue although still some lying about
in the cooler areas.
to the lake and a camp on a beach with some shade structures. As we
camped a car came past and stopped for a while then continued. We
were a little concerned that he may call for the cops.
internet but did some blogging and photos. Then watched one of the
series from Outlander. I have read the books. When leaving Georgia I
downloaded some of that series and some of the crown to use up the
left over data.
142km Camp site 2279m alt.
142km Camp site 2279m alt.