A white road but very freshly sealed. The going was good . A lovely windy road with no traffic.
days are now warmer as we near the Med.
pomegranate tree hung it’s split and ruined fruit close to the
road. John picked a few of the less split fruits. We are beginning
to enjoy the pomegranates.
the bottom of a valley there was a large fish farm it had about 20 of
these pools and only a couple were empty.
before we popped back on yellow we started seeing these huge Plastic
houses and strawberries. Yes Banana’s and strawberries side by
side. In places the valleys were just white with glass houses. Quite
an extraordinary site.
walked down the other track and it was a beautiful spot but rubbish
everywhere. As we walked passed the car we noticed activity inside!
a while they left and we drove down to the lovely spot and set about
picking up a big black plastic rubbish bag full of rubbish.
a lovely spot.