2020-02-27 Day 473 Thu

After Teo and Sophie left for work we settled in to paperwork.

Around  10:00 John rang the Mercedes workshop just to see if EC was progressing, to be told all done…..! Wow there goes my catching up on blogs…..

Veronica, Costis’s godmothers mother… helped us order a taxi. John walked down to the ATM while I waited. We picked John up and headed for Mercedes. 

Nice to see EC again. All seemed good we ran the engine and no leaks.

We paid, and then asked where to buy deep cycle batteries. After a couple of stops we found them for sale at Standard Batteries. Perfect fit and 125 AH each. The next size up was too high to get through the door unfortunately. They cost €470. Hopefully this will have some follow on effect and fix our heater……. One can hope. We put then inside and then drove off to find some wood to put under the new batteries and jam them in tight

We were directed to an amazing wood place. It had logs that had been sliced length ways then with packing they were separated (for drying) then strapped back into their original shape. Plywood sheets, and MDF board. Just about everything. We bought a bundle of 2cm by 4cm “sticks” for €1.

At Sophia’s place we changed into work clothes and changed out the batteries. It went quickly, we even remembered to cover the solar panels. 

John set the batteries up quickly for the night and would finish the job before they started charging in the morning sunlight.

I washed all our dirty clothes. We walked into Sindos and bought some pork for a curry. It looked so good I bought some for our freezer. We then bought some baklava then a flowering plant for their house.

John cooked us a nice dinner then Sophie’s brother came by. He has been in the tourist business for 20 years and teaching. He seemed fascinated with our trip.
After 01:00 when we got to bed.

15km  Camp site  51m alt.