At 08:30 we went off
for a walk in the jungle. This part does not flood so very different
trees. Our guide would disappear into the bush and then come back
with something to show us or ask us to go to him. The first was a
wolf spider as big as my palm
next a time poisonous frog.

Then a
small boa constrictor about 1 meter long and about 2 months old.
Charlie caught it and we had a close look at it.
Sadly my little Ricoh camera which has been so very good for macro shots is having technical issues.
Next a water
anaconda just over 2 meters, then a little frog, I noticed.
Bought a
plater made from palm wood.
Came back on board
to another surprise on the bed lunch and snooze.

While moving down
river below Nauta we ran aground. The outboard helped us off. Finally
tied up on the riverbank and went ashore for another walk. Charlie
was with us but we waited for a local guide from the village. The
tour operators pay the villages for the privilege of their customers
having guided tours through the forest.

Saw another poisonous frog.
When we got back to village we saw monkeys then the giant water
We tried to find the pygmy monkey, Charlie said he saw it
but we did not. It is the smallest monkey in the world.
Brought a little
butterfly for EC and as they did not have change bought a pair of earrings as well.