2017-09-04 day 141 mon

We were on a yellow road and it should meet back with our main road north by a short section on white. However the problem with having a plan is that sometimes it doesn’t workout. The next yellow road we were to turn on to head back to red road just was literally a donkey track.

The next possible road just petered out so we tried one not on map and that turned into a donkey track John had to back out 200 meters before he could turn.

So to turn back or to continue West and go up the coast and down the mountains. Well we don't like turning back so on we went. Coming out of the hills were some walkers then some more after a while we started counting and passed 180 walkers….. going to a small town of el Cisne. We understood they were walking 150k’s in 3 days. A lot were very foot sore.

We finally go back to tar seal but there were lots of slips onto the road where it was down to less than one lane. We wondered if they had been caused by the earthquake in northern Ecuador last year. Drove 3 km’s down one road to find a camp but too built up. Found another road into a parque and camped just before the parque as a very old sign said $15 per foreigner.