2017-09-03 day 140 sun

Leroy left before us in the rain on concrete pavement. When we left we had a chuckle as the pavement only went one more corner then back to dirt. This transition between pavement and dirt was going to continue for most of the morning.

We passed Leroy on an uphill section then stopped at an archaeology site, it was pouring rain so donned our ponchos and wondered around. An interesting site every thing in circles.. passed Leroy again which surprised him somewhat.

Found an unused culvert!

Finally found a bank in Vilcabamba which would give us money, so did a shop. Lots of different stuff here, cocoa, coconut milk (unsweetened) bread with grain…. Also bought a SIM card - Internet again.

Drove onto Loja met a German in camper, tried a forested area on the east side of town but too built up so drove out of town to the NW green area and just after turning onto the dirt road to head north we found a little flat spot near road. Once there, we noticed a track going up so drove up that and camped beside an unused church. Very windy.
We have noticed that the buses and truck are courteous drivers. All the traffic seems calmer than in Peru. Houses have also gone up a notch in presentation and size.