2018-01-17 Day 258 Wed

Crossed out of Argentina without a hitch and then into the Chile formalities. Got our stamp in the passports and the Aduana for EC. I then drove EC into the shed for the customs. An Aduana guy came out and said we could not bring a right hand drive into Chile, we argued we had and could. He checked our records and sure enough 3 entries and 3 months driving. He was trying to do the right thing he knew the law but we had a precedent so John said we only needed a few days going for service at Kaufmann we got a new Aduana with a 4 day visa for EC. The customs took the salami which I did not remember from before and left over vegies.
EC then got a full body xray. A big mobile machine that can do semis.

They then came back on board looking and found another salami in the fridge.
John got a look inside the xray truck and a photo of EC’s bones.
Finally we left.

Every crossing is different!
Crossed our May track at Curacautin. Traveled on some back roads trying to find a camp. A lot of small roads on our map have a gate! Finally a little track down to the river, John backed down and we camped within 1 meter of the water. A lively stream with at least one raft full of paddlers came down. A family walked down past us and into the bushes……