2018-03-10 Day 283 Sat

At 09:00 we were waiting with a group of two couples and a 2yr old for the Land Rover Defender to take us to the boat.

The runabout was in the tide in the middle of a creek that dries at low tied. We boarded and headed out to the islands. A gorgeous day with a nip in the air definitely jacket weather. A fantastic trip very relaxed and slow. The penguins were a bit shy and only showed themselves by the couple. Last week there were hundreds out on the beach. Maybe they had slept in this morning….

We saw the steamer ducks who over the centuries have forgotten how to fly but the wings beat the water when running on it which gives them the name from the paddle steamers.

The sea lions were great and the pups were out for a play while being supervised in the kindergarten. 4 mums with 20 or so young ones to look after.

A really great trip US$70 each but a 3.5hr tour, well worth it. Have seen my sea lions so now we can head inland.

Sat around trying to use their WiFifi then headed out there gate to get clear of the generator noise. Camped at the other end of the beach with the “town “ in full view, amazing how dry it is.

Last year in one week they got 800mm which was 4 years worth of rain. Hence all the damage of the roads hear abouts.