The water was being whipped off the lake, gust must be about 60 knots. We even had spray on the windshield about 50m away.
An interesting process of dropping the lid as when the wind rushed past it was sucking all the canvas outside.
A drive to a look
out over Lago Belgrano followed by a short but cold and very windy walk.
We didn't know that there was such a bird as a black necked white swan.!
We also walked to
the small lake to see the birds, a great little hut to sit in and
watch through windows. Didn't see much but there are black necked
white swans here, flamingos and a few other geese and ducks.
Drove slowly out of
the parque with a strong tail wind. Hoping we would not have to
siphon fuel from the top tank. We should nearly make it.
Well the wind was doing such a good job as well as driving at 65km/hr on the dirt and 75km/hr on the high way we got to the fuel station without the fuel light on.
Filled up, then sat and used the stations wifi.
Bought a few fresh food items and headed
out to lake Cardiel where we
camped on the side of the road facing into the wind. We were still
well above the lake. Still the heater will not start but we heated
water for a shower.