A beautiful morning,
sun shining and only a little wind.
We went for a walk
around the end of the small lake to the hill above the main lake. As
we got to the top we saw a Condor fly overhead, then another. The
flew below us, above us, and around us really quite close. What a
wonderful site. Although not a pretty face, they are very large. One
feather can be 50cm long. Their wing span is about 2.2 meters.
After showing off
they landed below us. It took some time to locate them as they could
not be seen from directly above.
Back in EC we
continued out towards the end of the road.
We passed through more
stations and saw a grand stone building which turned out to be a
rather large shearing shed. I don’t believe I have seen a stone one
The road became a rough track so we turned tail and headed
back, and then over the the southern side of the lake. I began to feel a
little nausea - I think from looking up at condors as we drove.
A lot of the
southern side of the lake is very flat and uninteresting but as we
drove further into the Andes it became
At Hotel/Station El Condor we chatted to the manager and asked if we could drive to the end of road he said yes but we needed to come back to camp. As they are in a project of conservation. No camping….
The road to the end had two river crossings and two bridges. At the end the road seemed to disappear into the water and around the point, on our map it continues for another 400m. John squeezed EC between some rocks to get to the end of the road and squeezed back out again.

The land had got progressively steeper with more trees. The trees were still smallish we haven’t seen big trees for a while.
We drove back into El Condor Station and this time spoke to an English lass who had been there for 4 days. She is a volunteer for a month.
We found a camp outside the boundary of Station El Condor on an old section of road overlooking Brazo (arm) Chacabuco