2018-10-31 Day 50 Wed

A number of utes and small trucks went past this morning both up and down the valley. Washing was duly done and rinsed in the quite cold river water. The plan today was to drive till we got some sun and somewhere to hang the washing up.
Leaving our camp we drove up river. The road quite rough in places and where they had dragged the logs out very muddy.
Came across two small areas of seedling pines I guess to plant out as renewable wood. A very lovely drive. Every so often a picnic table would be perched above the river. I assume for the guys logging.

The small creeks are walled in with concrete with just a slit up the middle to let the water through. Not at all sure why?

As we got a little higher in altitude the road became quiet gorgeous with its dropped leaves and switch backs. I got out and took some photos of John driving up. This little road we were on is an orange road on our Map so we thought it’d be a good road.It once was with guard rails and all.
Towards the end of our road we came across a marble/limestone quarry and further down the valley was all the associated works, cutting, crushing, polishing, carving, etc.

At Sarmizegetusa we looked into a camp site but cost $10 so we continued just down the road where an old amphitheater was. We had a bit to eat at the restaurant, sharing a vegie soup and fried pork and greasy chips. Soup was good.

Spent about one hour wondering around the site of Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa one of the oldest Roman settlements in Romania.
As it was time to find a camp. We drove in towards the Retezat National Park, and found a little camp down on the river to hang our clothes out. We sat in the sun for the hour before the sun hid itself behind the hill. It gets cold very quickly when the sun is gone. Very little traffic and the road is not well looked after. A bit strange with a hydro electric dam further upstream.

  92km  Camp site