2018-11-18 Day 68 Sun

We left our camp around 9:30.

Found a track on the map which went along the coast of the Black Sea so we followed it. 

Someone had had a feed!

 At one stage we got to drive down on the beach and have a little walk. There was a pile of foam trapped by the wind against some rocks . When the wind blew the foam wobbled. Looked very funny.

The track got to narrow with trees so turned back and took another that was not listed on the map. A lovely place with any number of places to camp for the night. In the trees there was a lot of evidence that a lot of campers use it every summer.

 I was surprised that the roses in gardens were still looking wonderful after the freezing weather and snow.


Some of the roads were in bad repair but there were speedways of very good track off to the side so it wasn’t too bad.
We made it to Lebedivkaon on the coast then had to go inland around the lagoons.

Camped just out of Prymorske on the Black Sea beach for the night. Only a little above high tide mark. Lots of jelly fish here on the beach. Rained during the night and blew a bit. 
