2018-11-19 Day 69 Mon

After my first cup of tea I looked out the window at the waves lapping at our back tyre so I asked john to move up the beach a bit. By the time we had showered and ready to leave the wind was pushing the waves over the top of the beach and down into the swale. The waves were again passing under us. I am glad we moved earlier.

Our luck with the roads ran out today. We drove into Vylkove first off to get as far south as we could and look at the Danube Delta, we were on the Chilia branch.
The houses backing onto the river had little swings and their boats tied to jetty's. We noticed a supermarket and went in for a few vegies and milk. We were very surprised at their deli selection. They had an amazing array of dried fish, some big fresh fish one about 12kg and the others about 8kg.
A great range of cheese - we bought some hard goat cheese and a french Parmesan. We also walked out with a semi dried fish so will have to work out what to do with it, hopefully it has been smoked.
We stopped for lunch about 1:30 after 5½ hrs and 70km of very slow roads. Because of the rain we could not use the speedways and even off the side of the road was very slippery so a lot of time it was very slow going. The holes were full of water so had no idea if they were deep or not so had to treat them all as sharp edged holes.

When we got to Izmail the roads were great. Got our printing done but the lady who printed was obviously having troubles and printed everything a few times….
Any way, got that done and headed out. 

John only slowed (not stopped completely) at a stop sign by a rail crossing. There were gates beside the road across the train tracks. A police car pulled us up and wanted to fine us for not stopping. John, agreed with the cop but was pressing to walk back to the crossing to explain and take a photo of the crossing.  Another police car charged past with lights and siren. Our police car let us off in a a hurry explaining that they had to go (and join the fun I guess)

30kms of great road in 25 mins to krynychne where we camped off to the side of a slippery track above the river.

Snow forcast but none fell.
